
Khmer New Year

   What Is Khmer New Year?
Cambodian people have many holidays during the year. One of the most important is Khmer New Year (Khmer: បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី, pronounced: Choul Chnam Thmey). It is celebrated over three days starting from the 13th or 14th of April, which coincides with the end of the harvesting season. Khmer New Year is a precious time for Cambodian people to gather with family, friends and their community. It is celebrated throughout Cambodia and is rooted in Buddhist traditions.
             Khmer New Year
So how is Khmer New Year celebrated? There are different traditions on each day.
      Day 1: Maha Songkran
On the first day of Khmer New Year people put fruit in front of their houses as an offering to the gods. They believe that the new gods will come to take nourishment from the fruits and give their blessings to the home.
        Day 2: Virak Vanabat 
On the second day people visit their relatives, give gifts to their parents, have a nice lunch with them or visit somewhere together.
     Day 3: Vearak Loeng Sak

On the last day people bathe statues of Buddha and their parents and grandparents with water blessed by monks. In the Khmer language we say “Srong Tek. This is a way to respect the Buddha and your parents, bring them health and long life, and ask their forgiveness for past wrongs.

KNY_3I moved from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap in 2014 and I think Khmer New Year in Siem Reap is enjoyable. People always respect and remember. I really like the big trees along the streets.  I have fallen in love with the many temples and many things such as traditional Khmer performing, Cambodian circus, food, music and nightlife. If you are in Siem Reap for Khmer New Year, I am sure you will remember it and want to come back again.

For every year Cambodians always celebrate Khmer New Year, they believe that it the time to change their lucky from bad to good for their life.
All most of the festivals in Cambodia always have the stories or something that related with those festival, of course for Khmer New Year celebration also had the story of it, too. Let tracking altogether.
It concern a contest between the king of the gods, Kable Moha Prom, and the son of a tycoon, thambal.
The name of the Thambel very famous in the country, because he is clever. It is the way to make the king of the god, Kabel Moha prom very jealous to Thambel. Kabel Moha Prom decided to descend to the earth and challenge him to a dual. He challenged Thamabal with a riddle, he keep the time seven days for thambal to solve the riddle. The loser is going to lose the head. Thamabal agreed.The riddle that Kabel Moha Prom asked Thamabal was: what the happiness in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.
Around six days that thamabal spent to find the answer of the riddle, but he did not know about the answer yet. In fear and despair he sat under a palm tree to contemplate the king’s riddle. Suddenly, Thamabal heard a pair of eagles talking to each other.
The female eagle asked, “What will we have to eat tomorrow?” The male eagle answered, “We will have the fresh flesh of Thamabal as our food”. He will die tomorrow, because he
cannot answer to Kabel Moha Prom’s riddle” he continued.The female eagle asked, “Do you know the answer?”. “Yes”
. Male eagle answered.As soon as Thamabal heard the answer, he returned to Kabel Moha Prom and solved the riddle. As promised, Kabel Moha Prom cut off his head, he call his seven daughters to him and advised that his head cannot be dropped down on earth, ocean or air, if his head is set on the earth, it will set fire toearth, if threw into the air, the rain will evaporate, if threw into the sea, the sea will dry up.His head must be putting on a metal tray and his daughters must take turn to carry his head for ceremonial circle around mount Sameru every year during the Sangkran date, to bring happiness and good weather to the earth, before bringing to keep in Kuntheamali temple in heaven.,
      Photos Of Khmer New Year

           Thank You 🙏

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